One of the common questions we receive is "How does my water use compare to the average home?".  Answering the question is not easy because volumes used by single family homes can vary over a wide range and depend on the number of occupants, water use habits, irrigation habits, etc. We analyzed the monthly water use records for the past 5 years for 1,582 single family home connected to our water system. The following table displays the results and attempts to give an idea of how water is used in the Town.

   Single Family Home

 Monthly Water Use in Average Gallons Per Day

 Percentile  Jan Feb  Mar  Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum   1,049  1,450  3,633 2,522 3,565 4,470 7,979 5,686 7,787 3,503 1,644 1,894
95%  269  256  259  306 383 640 630 526 413 315 271 265
80% 185 177 175 199 240 302 287 246 220 203 190 187
Median 128 121 123 137 149 169 164 148 141 134 130 131
20% 81 76 76 88 97 104 101 94 89 87 83 84
5% 45 40 37 49 54 56 54 47 49 49 45 48

Pay your water bill online

81009 83017 0Please visit the Unibank site to pay your water or tax bills online.


Water Department

279 Boston Street

Topsfield, MA 01983


911 -  After Hours Emergency

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7 AM to 2:00 PM

Highway Department

279 Boston Street

Topsfield, MA 01983


Hours: Monday-Friday 7 AM to 3 PM